Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sharing your Faith

What were the circumstances surrounding your conversation with the unbelieving person when you presented the gospel to him/her.

Recently, I was called to repair a nuclear camera. I finished the repair quickly and had some time so I asked my client to have lunch with me. We have not seen each other for several years so I started to ask him personal questions about his girlfriend and he told me they broke up. I decided to listen to him and asked him what happened. After several minutes of listening he stated that all women where out for one thing, his money. I told him that he probably would continue to meet women like that if he looked for a woman at a bar, like he has been doing. He said there was nowhere else to look and I said how about church?

What was the reaction (questions/comments/statements) of the Unbeliever?

His reaction was not what I expected. He started to voice objections about the church. He said the Bible wasn’t accurate and I walked him through what I knew about the accuracy of the Bible. I then asked him if he thought he was a good person. He said yes and I asked him if I could ask him a few questions to see if that was true and said I could. I walked him through 3 of the 10 commandments and he admitted that he was a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart. During these questions he voiced several other objections regarding hypocrites in the church. I agreed with him that there were a lot of people who did not live the life of a true Christian. I then redirected him back to the important questions. I asked if he was judged by those standards (Ten Commandments) would he be found guilty or innocent. I then presented what Jesus did for him so he would not have to go to hell.

What did you do/say to the person in light of the person’s reaction to your presentation of the Gospel?

After presenting the entire gospel to him. He thanked me for taking the time to talk with him. He then told me that he would start reading the Bible. I suggested that he start in the book of Romans then start reading the first four books of the Bible. He told me that there was a new church that was opening up near his house and he said that he would go to this church to see if he liked it. Since my witnessing encounter with my client, I have spent time in prayer for the Holy Spirit to minister to him and bring him into the full knowledge of Christ. I plan on doing a follow-up with him the next time I am there working.


Unknown said...

Hi Joe! I am currently reading "Encountering the Book of Romans" by Moo and found your blog.
I love your openess to share your abuse and your walk to / with God. I was curious about this evangelism since it was a few years ago. I was hoping you would update us on the subject!
I pray you are continuing to be encouraged and walking closely with God.
Thank you!

Joe Searles said...

Hi Cindy,
You replied to this blog many years ago and I’m not sure if this will find you. I have been working in the ministry called Celebrate Recovery. I recently received my 17 year medallion for my own struggles in addiction. I have been really busy with this and it has been extremely fruitful. Gif has used this ministry to bring people to God and also closer to God as well. The intimate relationship I wrote about previously. I have hd many breakthroughs myself with intimacy and have very close friends that I call family.

I hope this finds you well.
Always in His service,
Joe Searles