Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Worldviews Make the Differnece

Until 4 years ago, I took the world view of evolution instead of a Biblical worldview. When I became a Christian my world view was seriously and intentionally altered by God Himself. I remember when I first was saved; God led me down a road of discovery. During that journey, He provided every answer I had to the question of His existence, the proof that is available and most importantly, that His Word (Bible) is inerrant and trustworthy.

My previous world views did not believe everything in the Bible. In fact, I attempted on many occasions, to make the theory of evolution mesh with the Genesis experience described in the Bible. This was of course a futile attempt on my part, because both views are extremely incompatible.

Prior to becoming a Christian, I was okay with abortion and I thought nothing about subjects like eugenics. This is an extremely scary subject. It has been argued that Darwin’s theory of evolution helped to pave the road to the eugenics era, as well as euthanasia, infanticide, abortion and racial extermination. Although not under the banner of eugenics this did provide Hitler and Nazi Germany a justified path to follow: The extermination of all who are inferior to them.

“How does an evolution worldview or a creation worldview impact the way that human life is valued.” I think that two case studies speak for themselves as to how we would treat others according to our own world view.

Carrie Buck was the first to be forcibly sterilized due to feeblemindedness. She had a child out of wedlock and was considered promiscuous and incorrigible. Later, it was discovered that she was actually raped by a relative and conceived a child as a result of the rape. What particularly grieves me on this subject is that during the lectures they said that 75% of the fetuses in the UK are aborted when there is any discovery that the child has Down syndrome. This was particularly hard for me, because I have a cousin who has Down syndrome and she is the most loving, trusting and perfect person I have ever had the privilege to know.

The second case study on Ota Benga, is a second demonstration of how we would treat someone with the world view that is other than a Biblical or Christian worldview. We would take human beings and put them on display at a zoo or pack them like fish in a small ship and hope that some of them survive so there is a profit.

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